Animals Reviewed: Starred Ratings of Our Feathered, Finned, and Furry Friends (Used Paperback) - Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Turtle, 4 stars: Came with super cute case, not the fastest but outlasts every comparable unit. Dropped into a pond and still works perfectly. Otter, 4 stars: Sturdy built, totally winter-read and waterproof. Only comes in brown. Launched by the Oregon Zoo and picked up by zoos and aquariums around the world, #rateaspecies is a viral hit, giving zookeepers a chance to honestly and hilariously review the animals in their keep. In Animals Reviewed, the American Zoo Association has crowd-sourced 150 of the best entries, the majority of which are new to the book. Packed with adorable photos of every animal and laced with wit and humor, Animals Reviewed is the perfect gift for every animal lover.