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Star Wars: Book of Sith (Used Hardcover) - Daniel Wallace
Never Let Me Go (Used Paperback) - Kazuo Ishiguro
The Future (Used Hardcover) - Naomi Alderman
The Aurora Project: We Were Not the First (Used Paperback) - Paul McGowan
A Ripple In Time: A Historical Novel Of Survival (Used Paperback) - Victor Zugg
The Ark Files (Used Paperback) - Luke Richardson
Immortal Dark (Used Signed Hardcover) - Tigest Girma
Star Wars Jedi vs. Sith (Used Paperback) - Ryder Windham
The Dark Sword Trilogy (Used Paperback) - Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Ghost Station (Used Hardcover) - S.A. Barnes
Shadow Land (Used Hardcover) - Peter Straub
The Demonata 6-Book Bundle (Used Hardcovers & Paperback) - Darren Shaw
The Island of the Day Before (Used Hardcover) - Umberto Eco
Douglas Adam's Starship Titanic (Used Hardcover) - Terry Jones
The Night and Its Moon (Used Paperback) - Piper C.J.
Sweet & Bitter Magic (Used Hardcover) - Adrienne Tooley
Mostly Void, Partially Stars (Used Paperback) - Joseph Fink, Jeffrey Cranor
Version Control: A Novel (Used Paperback) - Dexter Palmer
Jackstone (Used Paperback) -James Best
Crimson Shore (Used Paperback)- Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
Doom: Infernal Sky (Used Paperback) - Dafyyd ab Hugh and Brad Linaweaver
Wool (Used Hardcover) - Hugh Howey
The Illearth War, An Epic Fantasy (Used Hardcover) - Stephen R. Donaldson
Moreta: Dragonlady Of Pern (Used Hardcover) - Anne McCaffrey