The Big Adventures of Babymouse: Once Upon a Messy Whisker (Used Paperback) - Jennifer L. Holm & Matthew Holm

The Big Adventures of Babymouse: Once Upon a Messy Whisker (Used Paperback) - Jennifer L. Holm & Matthew Holm

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NEW adventures, BIGGER imagination, same MESSY WHISKERS -- Babymouse learns to be careful what you wish for in this BIG brand-new FULL-COLOR graphic novel series, perfect for young readers who love to laugh!

Babymouse has a BIG imagination. In her dreams, she's the BEST at everything -- she's the coolest, the smartest, the strongest, and she DEFINITELY has nice, neat whiskers! In real life? Not so much. But WHAT IF Babymouse could make her fantasies come true...?

The Big Adventures of Babymouse #1
