Beauty & Grace (Used Paperback) Signed - Christina M. Abt
Beauty & Grace is the intensely moving story of two women, Teagan (Beauty) Cormick and Grace Reid, from different worlds and different eras who unite within the haunted walls of Midland, New Jersey’s Wood Haven asylum.
Teagan guides readers through her early life in Queenstown, County Cork through her immigration to the United States and her institutionalization at Wood Haven, following the Crash of 1929. Through the ensuing 50 years, Teagan shares Wood Haven stories of the heinous treatments and unimaginable medical evils practiced upon those locked away and how she battled to survive and helped others do the same.
Grace comes to Wood Haven in 1978, a nationally respected senior care consultant hired to deinstitutionalize the ten seniors who have survived life in the hellish asylum. It is Grace’s job to physically and mentally evaluate each senior to determine the terms of their new lives— placement in a care facility or independent-living in a group home. It is through this process that Grace and Teagan bond in uniting the Wood Haven seniors and battling the Midland community determined to prevent their group home presence.
This book is in good condition. This book is signed.