The Dead Sea Scrolls (Used Hardcover) - Millar Burrows
An account of archeological finds Edmund Wilson called "without any question the most precious discoveries of their kind since the texts of the Greek & Latin classics brought to light in the Renaissance."
A Word to the Wise
Discoveries & discussions
The first discoveries
Alarms & excursions
Later discoveries
The age of the manuscripts
The evidence of archeology & paleography
The evidence of text & language
The dates of composition
Historical allusions in the Habakkuk commentary (2 parts)
Identifications of persons & events
Historical allusions in the other documents
Ideas, vocabulary & literary relations
The community of Qumran
Origin, history & organization
The importance of the Dead Sea scrolls
Contributions to textual criticism, historical grammar etc.
Contributions to the study of Judaism & Christianity
The Damascus document
The Habakkuk commentary
The manual of discipline
from The war of the sons of light with the sons of darkness
from the Thanksgiving psalms
Condition: Used Book in Acceptable Condition. The dusk jacket is worn and torn on most edges. Inscription on the inside cover.