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Grandmother's Pigeon - Louise Erdrich, Jim La Marche (Signed, 1st Ed, 1st Printing, Hardcover)
The Red Convertible: Selected and New Stories - Louise Erdrich (Signed, 1st Ed, 1st Printing, Hardcover)
Navy Life: A Valion Den Cookbook (Used Paperback)
The Freddie Mercury Tribute: Concert for AIDS Awareness (Sheet Music)
The Soul and Secrets of Its Structure (Used Hardcover)- Larisa Seklitova, Ludmila Strelnikova
Roosevelt's Ranches (Used Hardcover) - Rolf Sletten
The Return of the Native (Used Hardcover) - Thomas Hardy (The Easton Press, 1978, Leather Collector's Ed.)
The Psalms (Used Paperback) - Luigi Giussani
The Pigorini Museum (Used Hardcover) - Bruno Brizzi (Vintage, 1976)
Pass of the North: Four Centuries on the Rio Grande (Used Hardcover) - CL Sonnichsen (Signed, HC W DJ, 1968)
Of the Nature Of Things (Used Hardcover) - Titus Lucretius Carus
History of the Twelve Caesars (Used Hardcover) - Suetonius (Vintage, first edition)
The Sergeant's Lady (Used Hardcover) - Miles Hood Swarthout (SIGNED)
Here Lies Sioux Falls (Used Paperback) - Jeanne Schulte Richardson
Simon Says: Poems of a South Dakota Farmer (Used Paperback) - Edgar Simon
Lead Production Simplified Third Edition (Used Paperback) - Pascal Dennis
Dammed Indians Revisited: The Continuing History of the Pick-Sloan Plan and the Missouri River Sioux (Used Paperback) - Michael Lawson
Selected Poems (Used Hardcover) - CK Williams (SIGNED)
Seven Women (Used Paperback) - Eric Metaxas (SIGNED)
The Valley of the Shadow (Used Hardcover) - Hanns Lilje
American Hunting Rifles (Used Hardcover) - Craig Boddington (Signed Limited Edition)
Ref-Book 5: Historical and Modern Indian Designs (Used Paperback) - Wolfgang Hageney
(SIGNED) Doc Peeke (Used Paperback) - Deanna V. Boone
The City of Gold and Lead (Used Hardback) - John Christopher