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The Strain Trilogy #3 The Night Eternal (Used Hardcover) - Guillermo del Toro , Chuck Hogan
Conan the Cimmerian #3 The Conquering Sword of Conan (Used Paperback) - Robert E. Howard
Nightbringer (Used Hardcover) - James Byron Huggins
The Good Thief (Used Hardcover) - Hannah Tinti
To Green Angel Tower (Used Hardcover) - Tad Williams
Naked Lunch (Used Paperback) - William S. Burroughs
Nightwings (Used Mass Market Paperback) - Robert Silverberg
Elantris (Used Paperback) - Brandon Sanderson
The Fall of Gondolin (Used Hardcover) - J.R.R. Tolkien , Christopher Tolkien
Skin Trade (Used Hardcover) - Laurell K. Hamilton
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (First Edition Used Hardcover) - William Kotzwinkle
A Court of Thorns and Roses (Used Paperback) - Sarah J. Maas
Creature (Used Hardcover) - John Saul
The Immortals #1-3 - Tamora Pierce (Lot of 3 Used Paperbacks)
The Walking Dead: Compendium Three (Used Paperback) - Robert Kirkman
The Walking Dead: Compendium Two (Used Paperback) - Robert Kirkman
The Walking Dead: Compendium One (Used Paperback) - Robert Kirkman
The Inhuman Condition (Used Hardcover) - Clive Barker
The Book of Lost Tales #1 & 2 (Lot of 2 Used Paperbacks) - J.R.R. Tolkien
Tales of the Timuras Trilogy Bundle (Lot of 3 Paperbacks) - Allan Cole
BloodWalk (Used Paperback) - Lee Killough
Jitterbug Perfume (Used Paperback) - Tom Robbins
Star Trek Original Bundle #7 (Used Mass Market Paperbacks)
The Witches of Eastwick (Used Hardcover) - John Updike