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(Signed) Even Tide (Used Hardcover) - Larry Woiwode
(Signed) Silent Passengers (Used Hardcover) - Larry Woiwode
Ladies' Lunch: and Other Stories (Used Paperback) - Lore Segal
Reaching Out in Love: Stories Told by Mother Teresa (Used Hardcover) - Mother Teresa
A Cowful of Cowboy Poetry (Used Hardcover) - Baxter Black
The Path to Home (Used Hardcover) - Edgar A. Guest (1st Edition 1919)
TS Eliot Symposium (Used Hardcover) - Richard March and Tambimuttu
Flint & Fire (Used Paperback) - Lisa Hase-Jackson
Four Quarters to a Section (Used Paperback)- Darla Biel, Glenda Johnson Walth, Ruby R. Wilson, Brandyn Johnson
Grass Roots Poetry (Used Hardback) - Audrae Visser
Puella Mea (Used Paperback) - E.E. Cummings (Vintage, 1923)
Cottonwood County Poems (Used Paperback) - William Kloefkorn, Ted Kooser (Vintage, 1979)
What If This Were Enough?: Essays - Heather Havrilesky
Howl and Other Poems (Used Book) - Allen Ginsberg, William Carlos Williams (Introduction)
Kaddish and Other Poems (Used Book) - Allen Ginsberg
The Romantic Poets and Their Circle (Used Book) - Richard Holmes
The High Tide (Used Hardcover) - Jean Ingelow (Vintage, 1883)