The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians: An Exposition (Used Hardcover) - Charles R. Erdman
Condition: This book is in Very Good Condition. The cover is unmarked with only slight scuffs on the corners. The pages are clean and unmarked. There is a penciled price marking inside the front cover.
A fugitive letter, written in the first century to obscure groups of Christians, was destined to become the Magna Charta of spiritual freedom for the whole world and for all time. This Epistle to the Galatians forms an essential chapter in the history of the Early Church. It was a vital cause of the great religious movement which dispelled the spiritual darkness of the Middle Ages. Its widest field of usefulness, however, is afforded by conditions of the present day. Wherever religion has lost its reality, wherever ritual is more regarded than right living, wherever subscription to a creed is substituted for submission to Christ, wherever loud claims of orthodoxy are accompanied by conduct devoid of charity, wherever deeds of self-righteousness are obscuring the glory of the cross, there this epistle should be made to sound out its clarion call to a new dependence upon justifying grace, to a faith that is shown by works, to a walk that is by the Spirit, to a life inspired by love.
Published 1930 Westminster Press