Great Fashion Designs of the Victorian Era Paper Dolls in Full Color (Used Paperback) - Tom Tierney
Often characterized by flowery, prudish and fussy tastes, the Victorian era nevertheless produced a surprisingly delightful array of fashionable female attire that frequently contradicted conservative attitudes of the day. In this splendidly detailed and historically accurate collection noted artist and fashion authority Tom Tierney recreates a rich selection of these great fashions, spanning a wide range of outfits and styles.
Two dolls, based on the young Queen Victoria and the Empress Eugenie of France and a total of 28 meticulously rendered costumes capture the elegance and opulence of clothing dating from the 1840s through the fin de siècle. Captions and an informative text provide information on the costumes and their creators
Detailed, accurate renderings of 2 dolls, 28 costumes — Queen Victoria's wedding gown, evening dress by Worth, Dolly Varden walking suit, more.
Original Dover (1987) publication. 2 paper dolls. 28 costumes. 32 pages printed one side only 9 1/4 x12 1/4 inches.
Good Condition but has slight brown staining at bottom of some pages. Staining does not interfere with costumes nor paper dolls.