Junie B., First Grader Cheater Pants (Used Hardcover) - Barbara Park

Junie B., First Grader Cheater Pants (Used Hardcover) - Barbara Park

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On Monday morning, Mr. Scary asks the Room One kids to read their homework essay assignments to the class, but unfortunately, Junie B. hasn't done hers. So when May leaves her desk -- with her essay lying in plain view -- Junie decides to copy it. Of course, Mr. Scary finds out (both girls' weekends are oddly similar) and a shamefaced Junie has to fess up. Has she learned a lesson? In typical Junie B. fashion, nothing in her life comes without a twist. When good "pallie" Herbert later shows her an answer during a spelling test, the two clear their "cheater pants" consciences by telling the truth.

Parks has done it again with this hilarious Junie B. book that hits the mark. Kids will groan when they see Junie cheating because they know what's to come, while parents will appreciate Mr. Scary's handling of the situation (he expresses his appreciation for their honesty, but she and Herbert still get zeroes). Teaching readers that cheaters never prosper is clear yet lighthearted with Junie setting the example. Matt Warner
