The Organized Admin (Used Paperback) - Julie Perrine
Leverage Your Unique Organizing Style to Create Systems, Reduce Overwhelm, and Increase Productivity
Are you struggling to make sense of the disorganized chaos that is your workspace? Do you want more effective systems for keeping yourself and your executive organized? Do you want to better understand your organizational style?If you answered, “yes” to these questions, we have an exciting announcement for you! Julie Perrine, founder of All Things Admin, has released her second book, The Organized Admin!This new book includes advice, information, and resources on developing simple organization systems that promote administrative career success. Readers will discover how to organize everything from their workspace to meetings and events, and they’ll gain a better understanding of their organization style preferences for space and time. If you would like to learn more about your organization style, visit www.TheOrganizedAdmin.com to access the Time & Space Style Inventory (TSSI) assessment. It’s time to finally get organized!
Very good condition